The story of 3Fteam creation, honestly, is quite personal.

3Fteam, a team that specializes in farming Facebook accounts and various additional individual services. We pride ourselves on the quality and service we provide. But it’s worth mentioning that it took us quite a while to get here. Here should be some original beginning about how the idea of creating our shop unexpectedly came to us. But no, it all started very trivially – from personal experience and people.

How did you come up with your team’s name?

I thought about the name for several days on my own, there were many options, but I didn’t like any) Then I involved employees and close associates, maybe they had some interesting ideas) So we chose between several options, but we settled on 3Fteam, the name – it was the idea of a close person to me and it turned out to be the most successful.

Let me start with myself. I’m Vika, the owner of 3Fteam. Even before the war, for almost 2 years, I was the CEO of a rental account service quite well-known both in Ukraine and abroad (back then, it was still okay to work with country 404). I worked there from its foundation almost until the beginning of the full-scale invasion. Over time, I gained a significant amount of knowledge and, most importantly, an understanding of clients, their needs and desires, as well as the importance of truly good quality both in the product and in the service itself.
Before the war started, I left the project with the intention of creating something of my own (at that time, I wasn’t thinking about selling farms, there were other ideas). But then February 24 came and all ideas went into the bin.

Next.. next were several months of devastation and complete uncertainty about what to do. Going in other directions was uninteresting, and it seemed that there was no “resource” for it, and staying in this field was not very appealing because “Russians everywhere,” and I had no desire to deal with them at all.
At some point, my friends and acquaintances in affiliate marketing increasingly pushed me towards creating my own farm team, knowing that I had the necessary experience. At that moment, it turned out that most of the team members I was with before the war were left without work. Then, a puzzle formed in my mind. The only thing that bothered me until the end was the Russians. But why should I give up what I know and can do because of them? That’s how the idea of the 3Fteam team came about in general.

Next was all about the processes and forming the team. The assortment, writing guides, purchasing all necessary consumables, organizing support work, the channel, the name, the logo, who and where we could offer our accounts – in short, it seemed to me that everything was thought out to the smallest detail. On enthusiasm, we farmed some quantity of accounts, launched them for sale and… there were no sales) More precisely, there were, but so few that I wanted to sit in a corner and cry. From here began the period of getting acquainted with the problems that arose in the first four months of work.

1. Promoting the store 3Fteam.

The main problem, which partially still haunts us.
The understanding that the market was overcrowded with similar (at least in description) sellers was there, but how difficult it would be to promote our product – no. This was my pain; most of the media, arbitrage channels, and chats I worked with in the previous team were RU. At the start of my own project, I didn’t know any large Ukrainian chats or media, except for Afhab, which definitely wouldn’t advertise a new unknown product, and TD, which sells its farm. The teams we offered our services to were uninterested; the first channels for advertising almost didn’t increase subscribers, not to mention clients. So, the search for resources where we could also place ourselves began. To understand, this was the period from the end of August to November 2022. The resources we found at best just didn’t give any result in terms of clients (just slowly grew subscriptions), at worst – took money for placement and disappeared.

Tell us about the worst experience of buying advertising

Oh, this will be a rather banal story. When we just started looking for resources for advertising placement, we found Ukrainian chats. Often, it was a group of channels/chats of one admin, so we reached out to such a collection, talked to the admin, agreed on the terms (it was daily multiple advertising post placement + a pinned message in all chats for a month), paid. On the day the publication was supposed to be, we didn’t see it in any of those channels, reminded the admin about it, he made one post that day and then stopped responding to our messages. Just disappeared. In short, we were nicely scammed, writing about this incident at that time was not possible, and now it’s just irrelevant.

The first breakthrough was in November. Firstly, several quite large teams came to us with individual orders (some of them are still working with us). Secondly, Ukrainian-speaking new chats and media started to appear, without Russians, without a lot of advertising, with a good target audience. In general, it can be said that it was from this period that we started having somewhat normal sales.

Do you think the creation of Geek and other genuinely Ukrainian media gave a boost to your team?

As I mentioned earlier, a breakthrough for our team came in November when new media and chats began actively emerging. One of them, and I would say even the main one in our case, was GEEK (plus, they offered free advertising placement, which was great). So, I can confidently state that it was precisely the new Ukrainian media that gave the biggest boost to our team.

2. The product and approaches to farming.

The second problem – rewriting guides. With the start of farming and even though not large, but some sales, nuances in farming that we didn’t know before started to emerge. The guide to the final sample with checklists (if you read the article in Palai about us, you’ll remember that the basis of farming for us goes exactly by checklists) changed about four times, probably. This led to the fact that part of the accounts had to be completely refarmed. This took additional time and, of course, additional finances. But it’s all normal, we were learning and adapting to the needs of the clients.

What did the final checklist turn out to be?

As we already wrote in Palai, that checklist adapts to any period of farming and needs. Since we currently have two main types of accounts (fourteen-day and thirty-day), almost all indicators are multiplied at least by two. Unfortunately, we can’t detail the checklist, but we want to note that we individually and quite scrupulously approach each of the criteria in our accounts.

3. Employees.

When you hire people for a new project, with whom you’ve already worked and, moreover, are in quite friendly relations, they have heightened expectations of you, as you do of them. You want quality work results, while they want more money and a promotion just two months after the start. Or “less routine work.” But it’s farming, almost all work here is like that.
After one of the key employees periodically began not to complete the assigned tasks, arguing that he wasn’t in the mood, it was decided to partially change the team composition. Yes, after several changes to the guides and even minimal sales, I went hunting for experienced farmers who definitely understand the essence of the work. I was lucky almost immediately to come across a person who is now the team leader. There was a complete connection – approaches to work, experience, understanding of FB, desire to work, everything as I was looking for. Together, we updated the team composition over the winter. In general, now 3Fteam is a team that consists of 70% experienced farmers.

How many people are working in the 3Fteam in total?

The number of employees changes depending on the period and intensity of sales. The core group remains at 11 people – this includes farmers along with me and support.

If I could go back to the beginning of our work, I would probably start the service’s work quite differently, at least hire fewer farmers and not farm a large number of accounts, at most – would have focused more on promoting the store from the very beginning.
But you learn from mistakes.

So, over the winter, we refined all the processes completely, updated outdated farming approaches, replaced some positions in the assortment, found additional media resources for advertising placement and options for account sales. As a result, from about March, we already saw active customer growth. Currently, there is a clear understanding that we are definitely moving in the right direction, of course, there are periods of sales dips, depending on the season, FB behavior, and many other factors, but overall, what we have now is the result we have been long striving for.

Geek thanks for the great story from Victoria and her farm team 3Fteam, and also reminds that they are sponsors of a topic in our community, where they constantly give away free accounts and where you can find a discount on purchase.

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