Hello, community! Motivated traffic is often prohibited by major affiliate programs. But does this mean you should completely avoid it? Of course not. However, it is important to understand when this type of traffic can be truly beneficial and, most importantly, not be considered fraud.

By the way, we’ve already written a comprehensive review about fraud, so we recommend checking it out.

What is Incent traffic?

Incent traffic refers to any type of traffic that is generated with the promise of some kind of reward. The most common example is creating a task on a site where users are incentivized to click on a link, perform certain actions, and receive a reward (usually monetary) in return. This is what Incent traffic is.

Essentially, you can motivate people to perform the following actions:

  • Register on a site, fill out a form, verify their account, etc.;
  • Watch a video, leave a comment, like a post;
  • Click a link, post a review, share a post;
  • Install an app or game on their smartphone.

There are many similar actions, but what interests us most is the last example—installing an app. And next, we’ll discuss why this is important.

The reward for completing a target action is not always money. Sometimes the benefit can be non-monetary. For example, users might gain access to exclusive features after completing a task. If they install a game through your link, they might receive experience boosters; if they like a video, they could be entered into a draw for skins in Counter-Strike, and so on.

It’s quite challenging to directly profit from Incent traffic. Paying a user $50 to spend a thousand, so you can cover costs and make a profit, even sounds ridiculous. Moreover, this is prohibited by most affiliate programs. However, there is still a point in using it.

Why Is Incent traffic Needed and What Are Its Advantages?

Let’s discuss how to use Incent traffic effectively so that your expenses justify themselves and you don’t risk getting banned.

The main reason to use Incent traffic today is to boost product promotion, establish it, and generate statistics. The most striking example is using Incent traffic to promote mobile apps on Google Play and the App Store.

It’s no secret that mobile app platforms rank products based on perceived demand. The more people download a game, for example, the higher it ranks in the overall search results. But how do you drive organic traffic to an app you’ve just added to the store? That’s a rhetorical and philosophical question.

You can drive Incent traffic to an app to improve its ranking in search results using appropriate exchanges and services. The traffic can be:

  1. Real and semi-organic;
  2. Bots.

Real traffic involves actual users who install your app on their devices and receive money from you in return. Specialized exchanges allow you to better target, but you will mostly be interested in two criteria: the type of device and GEO.

Bots are a more budget-friendly option but also effective, especially if we’re talking about bots that fully mimic human behavior. Such bots act as separate devices that automatically search for your app in the store, install it, and launch it. Simplified bots might only click the “download” button in the App Store, but even that’s enough for the install to be counted, and your app gets a boost.

The key difference between real traffic and bots is, of course, the cost: downloads by real users will be 1.5 to 2 times more expensive.

As for the overall advantages of Incent traffic, they include the following:

  1. The ability to create the appearance of an audience (or even actually attract it if the product interests them) without significant expenses;
  2. Gaining a quick boost for your product;
  3. The option to purchase exclusively real traffic, which has more potential: the person may not only download the app but also actively use it in the future.

However, in any case, we are not talking about a target audience. The person on the other side of the campaign is only interested in the reward, so their CLV will be measured in mere minutes.

How to Work with Incent traffic?

If you want to use Incent traffic, you first need to find a service or exchange from which you will funnel it. Generally, the best approach is to purchase traffic on a freelance exchange by creating appropriate technical tasks.

Specialized services are more convenient but not necessarily the most effective. If you interact directly with leads, you can be sure of the traffic quality and get a better return on it.

However, if you’re considering Incent traffic to boost an app, you will inherently need to work with bot traffic. Volume will be your main concern. To give your app a significant boost, you’ll need literally thousands of downloads per day. And not all exchanges have that many real users.

Also, when it comes to apps, it’s essential to understand how GEO detection works for the user. An average Ukrainian user who registers with a VPN set to the UK will still be considered a Ukrainian lead if Ukraine is selected as the country in the App Store. So:

  1. Be meticulous in drafting your technical tasks to avoid such issues;
  2. Closely monitor the quality of traffic, constantly analyzing data both in App Store Connect and through other trackers integrated into the app, for example.

And most importantly—avoid any Russian-based services and exchanges at all costs!


Incent traffic is not about profit in the form of revenue from a campaign’s results. It should be viewed solely as a tool to boost your site, channel, or app. Buying traffic with the condition that it fulfills your affiliate program’s offer requirements is pointless and unprofitable.

Have you ever worked with Incent traffic, and what was the result? Share your stories in our Telegram community!

As always, with respect, Your Geek!

Incent traffic: What It Is and How to Work with It FAQs

What is Incent traffic?

Incent traffic is any type of traffic generated when users receive a reward for their actions.

What is Incent traffic used for?

Incent traffic is not about profit from campaign results. It should be viewed solely as a tool to boost your site, channel, or app.

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