Hello, community! There are several methods of acquiring native traffic, and one of the most widespread in affiliate marketing is SEO optimization of a website. Undoubtedly, traditional methods of optimizing online resources require constant investment: in creating unique content, paying SEO specialists, using various tools, AI, and so on. 

However, the path is shorter and simpler when you know where you’re going. And the process of getting organic traffic from search engines can be significantly simplified, particularly with the help of effective SEO-parasitism. 

Before we begin, let’s remind you that we previously talked about native traffic, comparing it with push traffic. We recommend checking it out!  

What is SEO-Parasitism? 

How does traditional SEO optimization generally work? The webmaster creates unique content, works to ensure the site loads quickly, does internal linking, structures everything, and most importantly – purchases external links. 

Interestingly, some modern webmasters prioritize the latter, partially ignoring most other aspects of optimization. But in any case, all this takes a long time and, more importantly, is very expensive. 

There is a way to get traffic through SEO even when you don’t have your own resource. All you need to do is create optimized content and distribute it on open platforms. In this way, you leverage the authority of another resource and use it for your own benefit. That’s why it’s called SEO-parasitism. 

How Does SEO-Parasitism Work? 

Let’s talk about how this works and what you need to do to start parasitizing on someone else’s authority yourself. 

First, you need to find suitable platforms. These can include popular social networks or various forums. The main condition for you is the guarantee that your article will be indexed and appear in search engine results. So make sure to check this aspect before choosing where to post your articles. 

The next step is writing the content. You can: 

  1. Pay a copywriter to write SEO-optimized text for you.
  2. Use artificial intelligence for its generation, or simply write it yourself.

Keep in mind that success directly depends on the quality of the optimization. So the process of writing will be quite challenging: gathering semantics for your niche, counting the number and density of keywords, LSI, and writing the text itself. All of this should not only look presentable but academically precise: with subheadings, styles, lists, and so on. 

But! You can simplify the process by using a tool like SurferSEO, which we covered in our AI review. It will help you collect semantics and provide key recommendations for creating an optimized text.  

The final step is posting the content on your chosen platforms. It’s important that you can update the content in the future, as competitors are always moving forward, and you’ll need to revise each article.  

If your text is truly optimized and the authority of the chosen platforms is high enough, you’ll start getting traffic to your article. Then all you’ll need to do is add affiliate links to earn the profit that motivated you in the first place! 

Pros and Cons of SEO-Parasitism 

Working on a single SEO-optimized text requires many hours of hard work or a large sum of money to pay professionals who will do everything for you. But is it worth it? Absolutely. Any way to get traffic is a potential profit that’s foolish to ignore. 

Let’s highlight the advantages of SEO-parasitism. They include: 

  • A highly intriguing and still underutilized method of getting, essentially, free traffic;
  • Reduced costs. Promoting your own website for the same purpose would cost you significantly more;
  • The ability to quickly get the first traffic, even within the first few days after publishing an article;
  • You’re taking very little risk, especially if you use generated content;
  • Receiving organic traffic that most advertisers will approve.

But are there downsides to all of this? Yes, of course. These include: 

  • The risk that the article could be taken down. It might get blocked or removed for violating the platform’s rules, for example;
  • Unlike having your own site, you have very limited functionality and can’t work on the page’s usability, which could negatively affect conversions;
  • SEO-parasitism requires mass posting and regular updates of optimized texts for the effect to be noticeable.

In our view, SEO-parasitism is a great supplement to your main campaigns. However, relying on it as the primary focus is probably not advisable, especially if we’re talking about serious offers.  


SEO-parasitism is not a very popular method of acquiring traffic in affiliate marketing. It’s easy to understand why: you spend a lot of time with no guarantee that the result will be worth it. But how is that different from traditional SEO? Obviously, it isn’t.  

What’s more, at least here you’re not spending huge sums of money to get traffic. In fact, it’s free traffic because you can do all the work yourself without spending a dime. 

Have you heard of SEO-parasitism? Or is this already your main traffic source? If so, who even are you?! You can answer in our Telegram community, where we discuss new sources of free traffic every day!  

Best regards, Your Geek!

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