Welcome, best community! Today we’ll talk about what all modern artists fear – Artificial Intelligence (AI). The reason for this discussion is the recent research by Gartner, one of the world’s most expert research and consulting companies.

But before we start, we want to remind you that last year we already touched on the topic of artificial intelligence here: Affiliate Marketing R.I.P.?. So, we recommend refreshing your memory, and meanwhile, we’ll move on to the discussion.

So, what did Gartner prophesy to us?

Firstly, we strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with the full text of the study. This case is very important for digital marketing, especially if you actively use AI in your work. However, we will briefly introduce you to the TOP-5 main trends predicted by Gartner.

1. About 50% of the audience will limit the use of key platforms due to the potential decline in the quality of social media.

Gartner predicts that the number of active users of social networks and other internet resources may decrease by half next year. The main reason is the distrust of content created by GenAI. And this distrust is extremely objective, as artificial intelligence can often produce misinformation or outright nonsense. That’s why, according to surveys, more than 70% of surveyed users believe that AI negatively affects social channels.

2. By 2026, 80% of talents will start using GenAI daily to perform more large-scale work, as a result, increasing the costs of creatives.

According to Gartner’s estimates, the effect of artificial intelligence being used by marketers on a regular basis will create opportunities for faster creation of more creative versions of hyper-targeting and personalized experiences. Agencies and individual creatives will receive more funding from directors to create more innovative advertising strategies.

3. About 20% of brands will start focusing on positioning and differentiation by 2027, emphasizing the absence of AI in their business and products.

This point stems from the first: due to distrust of content created by artificial intelligence, consumers may shift their focus to products created by humans. Accordingly, brands that meet this requirement will be able to dominate premium markets and attract the attention of clients who value safety.

4. A 50% reduction in organic traffic by 2028 as users will start receiving search results through AI, not search engines.

Even now, there exists a layer of users who use ChatGPT instead of Google to find an answer to a question. Gartner expects that this trend will intensify, negatively affecting businesses heavily dependent on organic traffic. Marketing directors need to adapt their investments and further optimize resources to minimize profit loss. Potentially, this could be a reason to return to more traditional communication channels and customer search methods, especially – to email.

5. By 2026, more than 60% of managing companies will pay attention to content authenticity verification, introducing appropriate technologies for this.

Not only consumers but also owners of advertising agencies don’t want to be “thrown”, so about 60% of them will start actively implementing technologies and methods for verifying the genuineness, authenticity of content. But how this will work is still unknown. But here, the trend itself is more important.

Analyzing the presented article and considering the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies, it should be noted that the predicted figures may underestimate the real scale of changes we will observe in the coming years.

This year, it’s already noticeable that large companies have started reducing their staff by 10-20-30% in various departments, relying on the rapid progress in the field of AI. The question arises: why make salary payments to regular employees when their duties can be performed by chatbots like GPT4-Turbo, available to companies today at a much lower price, even considering all aspects of such an approach.

Regarding affiliate marketing, I predict significant changes in the work of creative positions as early as this or next year. In the field of commodities, for example, a Stable Diffusion specialist can create hundreds of thousands of product images from different angles. As for video creatives, why do you need a translator or a native speaker when DeepL copes excellently with translation, and elevenlabs and heygen can help translate videos simultaneously into 15 languages, even achieving lip movement synchronization. Yes, some of these technologies may still be more expensive than human labor today, but a couple of years ago, we couldn’t even dream of such accessibility of the technological stack.

We are on the threshold of an era of grand changes, including in affiliate marketing, which requires industry professionals to adapt to new conditions and master innovative tools.

Body, a person who claims to be knowledgeable in this area.

Let’s summarize

Well, that’s roughly the forecast from Gartner. It’s hard to make any evaluations of it. The most obvious thing is that the market will change, and change very significantly. And despite the fact that it’s about artificial intelligence, people will play the main role here. Because everything will depend on how they use GenAI, as well as the attitude towards what AI generates.

Probably, those who do not integrate AI into their business will remain in a winning position – on one hand. On the other hand, the quality of their marketing strategies may significantly sag compared to competitors who bet on GenAI.

Share what you think about this. Join our cozy Telegram community for discussion. Let’s create Ukrainian affiliate marketing together to make it the most effective in the world.

With respect, Your Geek!

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