Cryptocurrency no longer leads to all sorts of “wow!” and “how is that possible?”. Today, the high value of cryptocurrency, or its individual varieties, is the norm. And within this paradigm, not only the crypto market is being built, but also the economies of states. More and more countries are trying to legalize “miracle money,” introducing norms for its taxation. The niche is developing, and to decide whether it is worth your attention – let’s answer some questions. How do crypto-offers work, why should you pour into them, and what is the competition like – find out below.

You may also be interested in our recent material CRYPTO IN 2023: TOP GEOS, where we talked more about which countries are most interested in buying/selling cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency arbitrage ≠ affiliate marketing

It is worth noting at the beginning that apart from traffic arbitrage, there is also the concept of cryptocurrency arbitrage itself. The latter is about profiting from the price difference for a certain coin on various exchanges: bought cheaper at point A, sold at a higher price at point B.

Although cryptocurrency arbitrage is considered one of the business areas with the lowest risks, the entry threshold is quite high. After all, to gain significant profit, one needs to have a substantial amount of money in circulation.

How does cryptocurrency work in the CPA paradigm?

Cryptocurrency is not just about money. Today, it is a whole industry where some are involved in stock trading, others teach people about it, and some scam and throw. The latter is not about the downsides of the industry but rather a natural aspect of the niche’s evolution.

In general, advertising platforms are becoming more loyal to cryptocurrency. It is not classified as black offers, or even grey ones. But this does not apply to all products. Sometimes, you can even encounter that the most verified crypto wallets may not be approved by the targeting network due to poor-quality and dubious creatives.

Depending on the chosen offer, you will work according to one model or another:

  • Revshare – receiving a percentage of the advertiser’s profit, common for exchanges;
  • CPA – traditional payment for performing a certain action, offered by most advertisers;
  • CPL – payment for user registration via your link, less relevant, but can be encountered.

Nothing complicated. In terms of arbitrage, cryptocurrency does not introduce anything new. At least, from the standpoint of mechanisms. However, it should be understood that there are complexities here, and it’s worth not only understanding them but also learning to solve and bypass them.

What are the difficulties and risks?

There are a lot of crypto-offers with a dubious reputation. This does not mean that they are 100% scams. However, there can be certain problems when working with them.

That is why it is worth emphasizing right away that working requires certain experience. If you have previously poured into gambling or nutra, then congratulations, the skills you acquired will come in handy. Namely, the ability to use (or even create) additional pre-landers and whitepapers to make advertising platforms more loyal to the product you are promoting.

You can also face restrictions when creating advertising campaigns through Google and Meta. Therefore, you should be extremely careful here to ensure that the planned budget can fully pay off.

Special attention should be paid to GEOs. There are still countries where cryptocurrency is completely banned. And if this is not taken into account, you can lose significantly. In addition, the demand for crypto varies, which we have separately discussed in our other materials – we left a link above.

Is cryptocurrency relevant in Ukraine?

If you are accustomed to working in the Ukrainian market and are hesitating to start pouring into crypto, then it’s a pity. After all, we ranked third in the world in terms of cryptocurrency circulation volume in 2022, according to Chainalysis data. Only Vietnam and the Philippines were above us.  

Moreover, if you look more closely at the Top-20 index, you will see many other countries from the Tier-1 GEO category. And this may indicate the main thing – perspective.

What is the competition?

The rapid growth in demand for cryptocurrency is a result not only of the popularization of electronic money through media and social networks but also thanks to affiliates who promote this niche. Obviously, the competition in the industry is quite high. After all, everyone wants to earn on something relevant and dynamic.

However, should you give up this niche because of competitors? No, because there are many offers that are still unexplored. And the profit from them can be much larger than when working with mainstream ads. The field for imagination and case studies is endless. Test different GEOs, use various offers, and most importantly – work qualitatively on creatives. Then you will definitely be able to earn.

What’s the bottom line

Undoubtedly, working in cryptocurrency means big checks, high and stable profits, and also great prospects. That’s on one hand. On the other hand, there’s high competition, difficulties in setting up advertising campaigns, and poor-quality or tarnished ads. There are definitely complexities, but they are justified, and they can be leveled. 

About how to work correctly in the vertical and earn the highest check, we often talk in our Telegram community. And we are surprised if you are still not subscribed to it!

With respect, Your Geek!

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