Welcome, esteemed community! “If you were to learn as you should, then you would have your own wisdom.” No need to remind whose quote this is. Today’s material is dedicated to how to properly learn to work with a specific offer, using, so to speak, “someone else’s wisdom,” namely – affiliate marketing cases.

By the way, we also share useful cases with you. For example, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the following material: Case: cosmolot offer with ROI 75%+. It details how to squeeze the maximum profit from a specific offer.

What are cases?

Firstly – a bit of terminology. What is a case, and why is it even called that? The word “case” in the context of traffic arbitrage comes from the English “case method” and “case study”. It means a method of situational analysis – a special educational approach used in many fields, not just in affiliate marketing.

An affiliate marketing case is also an educational material based on a specific example. The main focus here is a particular combination that the author details thoroughly: which offer is chosen for work and why, how long the campaign lasted, what creatives were used, what GEO, and so on. In other words, all the necessary input data for every beginner to be able to do everything by the template, not just to see how it works but also to make a profit.

By the way, the case should also talk about profit. It’s not necessarily about specific figures, not every author will share such details. But key characteristics, such as CR, ROI, KPI – all this must be included in a quality case.

In summary, an affiliate marketing case is an educational material for affiliates that contains the specific experience of the author and demonstrates the effectiveness of the methods used. It is intended for further analysis, not for step-by-step repetition, about which a little later.

What should a quality case look like

Note that a case isn’t always about success. Sometimes the author intentionally shares a losing case, so others don’t repeat their mistakes. And that’s good too, because you can also draw certain conclusions from it.

As for the key parameters of a quality case, they include:

  • Comprehensive disclosure of all aspects of the combination’s work: from choosing the offer to concluding statistical data. The latter must be “clean,” without blur or photoshop. It’s important to understand the authenticity of both the screenshots and the case overall;
  • The author’s use of their own approaches in work, making the case not templated;
  • The case should not urge you to choose a certain affiliate network or offer, as that would reek of advertising. Quality cases are not created for this;

And of course, the case should be well-written, structured. This not only makes it more pleasant to read but also demonstrates the author’s meticulousness, highlighting their professionalism.

Is it rational to replicate everything written in a case?

Let’s get to the main point: should you immediately take all the parameters of the campaign shown in the case and transfer them to your account, expecting the same profit? Definitely not.

To realize this, it’s worth immediately answering the question, why does anyone make cases and share their experience? On one hand – it’s traffic for the blog where a particular case will be published. On the other – it’s self-promotion. And the least popular reason – pure altruism, when a person is passionate about their work and shares the results of their experiments with others.

How to properly analyze a case?

But the rake that someone stepped on even three years ago, and they are still in the same place, can also create certain opportunities for you: either to step on them and get hit in the face with the handle, or to bypass, or even to steal those rakes altogether. We mean that everyone should first conduct an analysis of the case: identify the strengths and weaknesses of the demonstrated combination, whether all the marketing potential of the case was exhausted, how you could improve it, etc.

So, cases are not some ready-made thing that should be used in work. It’s not just about the author’s work, but about yours as well. You need to use certain analysis methods to verify the data and get more useful information for yourself.

Among the key methods of case analysis, you can distinguish deep studying of key metrics featured in the case: CTR, ROI, conversions. All this will allow gaining an understanding of which strategies are more successful.

Comparative analysis can also be used. Specifically, you can analyze other similar cases to find certain similarities and differences. This also helps understand what works better in almost identical combinations.

Besides, the analysis can be done not manually, but using specialized analytical platforms, monitoring tools, trackers, etc. This not only allows making the right conclusions from the case but also frees your hands for work on main projects.

What is a fabricated case

Apart from cases that detail the author’s work experience, there are so-called “fabricated” cases. Essentially, these are entirely made-up “works” lacking specifics, without any screenshots of statistics or campaign settings, but full of talk about “successful success” and advertising, advertising, advertising.

The lack of specifics is the key and most pronounced characteristic of any fabricated case. Such cases should be skipped and not waste your time, let alone try to replicate anything from them in your experiments.

Let’s sum up

Cases in affiliate marketing are not just about experience and knowledge, but also about another task for the affiliate, which should be performed to better navigate in certain verticals, highlight new combinations for themselves, learn to work with unusual offers, etc.

If you know how to work with cases correctly but don’t know where to find them – drop by our Telegram community. There, you will always find fresh and useful information.

Yours sincerely, Your Geek!

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