Hello, community! The first question every newcomer in affiliate marketing asks is – which vertical should I drive traffic to? And the first thing that comes to mind are some top niches like gambling or nutra. Even if we set aside the competition in these niches, it’s incredibly difficult for beginners to achieve high profits because these verticals require a fairly high skill level, including mastery of all the essential affiliate marketing tools.

However, there are some unconventional verticals that still deserve your attention. Primarily because, despite their lack of popularity, they have great potential and already show high ROI.

Before we begin, we want to remind you that we recently covered the best vertical for beginners. Be sure to check it out!

General Advice on Choosing a Vertical

But what should you really focus on when choosing a vertical? After all, this decision will directly affect your profits. We’ve prepared a few recommendations to help you choose a vertical, even if we haven’t yet told you about it.

The main criteria for a good vertical are:

  1. Relevance. There’s no point in driving traffic to dead verticals, but it’s worth keeping an eye on seemingly dead offers within popular niches. Some verticals will always be relevant: e-commerce (people always need to buy products), gambling (the desire for excitement is almost instinctual), and so on. But there are also verticals that are relevant here and now, and they deserve attention too.
  2. Cost of Traffic. How much traffic will cost depends on two factors: competition in the niche and the traffic source you choose. For instance, contextual advertising is much more expensive than, say, push traffic. However, not every advertiser will pay for the latter type of traffic, so it’s important to carefully study the market.
  3. High Payouts. But keep in mind, the more an advertiser pays, the harder it will likely be to get a lead. Therefore, “high” should be understood as a balance between the cost of traffic and potential profit.

These are probably the three main factors to consider when choosing a niche. Paying attention to these is much more important than focusing on the abstract “popularity” of a vertical.

Underrated but Profitable Verticals

Now, let’s dive into the review of verticals. We’ve prepared a list of the most underrated niches that deserve your attention and can yield high ROI.

Entertainment Vertical

The entertainment vertical is a broad niche that many confuse with iGaming or gaming offers. However, entertainment is a more complex industry.

For instance, this niche includes offers like various streaming platforms, such as Spotify. It can also include offers from video hosting sites or even online libraries. Overall, as more traditional entertainment moves online, the entertainment vertical continues to grow, creating more opportunities for profit.


E-commerce will never lose its popularity, if only because people will always need to buy food, household appliances, furniture, clothes. But modern people are also accustomed to ordering various services – from taxis to, say, cleaning services.

Services are not a very popular vertical among affiliates, but there are plenty of great offers with high payouts. Their relevance cannot be overstated because not everyone is, for example, an electrician or a veterinarian.

The flexibility in traffic sources is also appealing. For instance, you can drive free traffic from chats, Facebook groups, and so on. There are countless cases to implement and profit from.

The legal niche has been somewhat overlooked in recent times. However, it is becoming increasingly relevant, even in Ukraine, amidst the dynamic changes in current legislation.

The advantage of the legal services niche is that it’s highly versatile. You can drive traffic to practically any target audience.

This niche becomes especially attractive when you look at the payouts in Tier-1 countries, where you can earn over $500 per conversion. So this vertical is definitely worth your attention!

HR, Recruiting

A large number of companies work with affiliates, offering them the chance to feel like HR specialists. For those unaware, this profession involves finding potential employees and bringing them to employers.

This niche offers a wide variety of offers, ranging from online studios to Polish agencies looking for workers for greenhouses.

The main advantage of this niche is that it’s a white vertical. This makes it easier to work with, and at a lower cost. So achieving a high ROI isn’t too difficult.


Although it’s hard to call this an underrated vertical today, as many affiliates have recently recognized its potential, this niche was largely ignored until recently.

The esoterics niche involves offers related to horoscopes, fortune-telling, and other mystical things. The advertisers can be psychics themselves who create tarot card readings, for example, and are willing to share the profits with those who bring them clients.

This niche stands out due to its very high payouts and the possibility of achieving a high conversion rate because the target audience is highly predictable and clear: women aged 30 to 50, with some slight adjustments depending on the specific offer.


Of course, the list can be expanded further. For example, we could also mention essay writing services, but we’ve already covered that in a separate review. We believe that more such small verticals will appear over time, and we’ll keep you informed in future reviews!

Have you found a vertical you had forgotten about or perhaps never even heard of? Share your impressions in our Telegram community, where we always discuss the latest topics in the world of affiliate marketing!

As always, best regards, Your Geek!

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